Abstract submission deadline May 21st 2021


Template available at https://www.gfp.asso.fr/wp-content/uploads/Template_GFP_Ouest_21_english.docx

The 41st Scientific Meeting of the Wide West Section of the GFP will be held as an online webinar for the first time on the 8th and 9th of July 2021. This event aims as maintaining the dynamism of our community despite the restrictions and uncertainties caused by the health crisis. If possible in July, seminar rooms will be welcoming you on each academic site, in order to allow speakers to face a public. Exceptionnally, access to the seminar will be free of charge* for all the participants.

The goal of this webinar is to promote scienctific discussions and exchanges between polymer scientists of the Wide West region (Normandie, Bretagne, Centre-Val de Loire, Pays de Loire). The webinar thematics cover all the disciplinary fields of Polymer science (synthesis, structural characterization, processing, physicochemical properties) for applications in fields ranging from health to energy, sustainable development, cosmetics, food processing or transportation…. Three plenary sessions held by prestigious invited speakers but this webinar will also grant young researchers (master students, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, hired researchers) the possibility to present their work. The participation to the webinar of permanent researchers of the various laboratories of all the Wide West region will contribute to the quality of the scientific debate as well as to the dynamism of our community.

We hope that you will join us in numbers to attend this webinar.

Invited Speakers

Marc A. Hillmayer, University of Minnesota “Aliphatic polyester block polymers as sustainable plastics and elastomers”

 Christine Dagron Lartigau, IPREM – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour “Quand les polymères conduisent l’électricité”

 René Saint-Loup (Roquette) “Diglycidyl ether of Isosorbide : history of a development »

* You need to be a GFP member in order to attend thi webinar. You can register on GFP website : https://www.gfp.asso.fr/avantages. Adhesion is free for 1st year PhD students as well as master students.